Sunday, 6 May 2012

Side effects

Updated by Brian Lynn has had a very tough week. She is now suffering some side effects from the new Imunotherapy threatment, on top of the accumilation of the 5 days of brain radiotherapy and to cap it all she has a nasty cold! The main problems were not being able to hold down any food or drink, leading to dehydration and of course not being able to keep down medication. After consultation with Addenbrookes it was decided to get Lynn in to Peterborough hospital for re-hydration and anti-sickness drugs through IV. She is in for the weekend for observation and other tests and I will update further when we have any more news. She is not up for visits at the moment, as she needs as much rest as possible. Thanks for all the messages and phone calls, I pass them all on to her.


  1. Brian, I am sure you are exhausted too so thank you so much for keeping us up to date with what is happening.
    If you need anything you only have to shout, sending love and hugs to Lynn and to you and make sure you look after yourself too!
    speak soon
    Gina xxx

  2. Hi Brian. Just to let you know that we are thinking of Lynn at this time. We are all wishing her a speedy recovery and hope that she is home with you very soon. With love and thoughts, Alison, Allan, May, Charlie, Caroline, Patrick and kids xxxx

  3. Hello Brian
    I am Katie King/Pettitt's ex husband and have exchanged a few e-mail with Lynn recently. Please pass her my love. She is often in my thoughts these days.

  4. Hi Brian
    Its Nicola Waterman here - old friend from squash days! I just wanted to send you and Lynn my love and hugs. Sorry to hear that you have had a tough few weeks. I hope that Lynn gets stronger during her stay in hospital. Love nicola and Alex
