Thursday, 26 April 2012

The end of a nightmare week

Updated by Brian Thank the lord the hospital visits are over for 3 weeks (Touch wood) Today was a fiasco! Left the house at 8.30 to arrive early for a temperature check, before Lynn's first infusion of Ipilimumab (Imunotherapy treatment) scheduled for 10am. Well due to a consent form not being filled out correctly (the 2nd in a week) we did not get out of Addenbrookes until 3.45pm. What should have been approx 2 hours turned into 5 hours 45mins. We did not need that after such an exhausting week! I am so knackered, so just imagine what Lynn is like! She would like to thank all her friends and family for their kind wishes texts & emails. She reads all of them and will reply when she feels well enough.


  1. like you say Brian, hopefully thats over for a while now! I am sure this week has took it out of both of you in different ways
    just both of you get plenty of rest now
    lots of love
    G xxxxx

  2. Lots of love and your lips look back to their normal kissable selves now.

  3. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Sx

  4. Always thinking of you both.....a well deserved rest is needed for you both.....x
