Sunday, 1 July 2012

Time for a special prayer

Lynn is about to start her biggest journey yet, so please say a special prayer to help her on her way.

Her condition has deteriorated to the point of no return and she has slipped in to a coma and is being treated with the "Pathway" method.
She is pain free and has had many of her friends and family around her.

Love you Lynny, God speed.


  1. Lynn is a remarkable gorgeous special lady that has made this journey so far with guts and determination. She will make the next step with that same dignity and strength. Sleep well my beautiful Twinkle and love you forever xxxx
    To Brian and all the family, my heart goes out to you at this time xxxx

  2. sending Lynn all our love and support and praying for her more than ever. all our love Jen, Alex and Oliver x x x x
