Monday, 2 January 2012

2012 A year of hope - Video

For those that are interested, here is a link to an american forum that has experiences from people who have been on the trial for many months.
Click here to read their stories.


  1. well Twinkle you are looking and doing so well my darling. I am truly amazed by the shrinkage of the lumps especially having seen them at their worse! The stories from the forum's are incredible and leave me, you of course and I'm sure many others with a sense of hope and positivity for the future.
    I cannot wait to see you walk down the aisle and marry that very special man (that's you Brian! lol) and it's all getting very exciting as the day drawers nearer.
    I love you more each day with all my heart Twinkle, you are such a special little star
    G xxxx

  2. Thanks Gina - you are a wonderful friend and I will keep twinkling especially with all the love and support that I am receiving. I can't wait to be Mrs Buchan despite nearly 47 years of Miss Masson!!!

  3. Blooming marvellous ! Amazing! Over joyed! Cannot wait to celebrate both your good news! And the Big day! Loads of love coming your way for you both!
    Very happy too see that you have such a special friend as Gina.
    Big kiss to you and Brain.X


  4. Thanks Chrissie - Can't wait to give you a big hug on Saturday. Let's face it you had a big role to play all those years ago! xxx
